Saturday, July 30, 2011

Old Dog Needs New Trick

"...a knowledge of photography is just as important as that of the alphabet.  The illiterates of the future will be ignorant of the use of the camera and pen alike."

Laslo Mobody-Nagy

As I venture deeper into the blogosphere, I am quickly seeing that I need more knowledge of my camera.  While I think my eye is good, I am quickly seeing that I know very little about proper lighting and the technical business of my camera.  I am seeing poor lighting and fuzzy images too often.  I won't even point out the overlooked details like shelves stacked next to the range. . .Thanks to the inspiration of some really great bloggers who happen to be accomplished photographers, I realize more than ever that this old dog needs to learn some new tricks!  So, I opened a book tonight, one that my father gave me years ago, pre-digital days.  He knows I have a good eye but also that I could use the camera to express it better.  While the book isn't about digital cameras  (I do know enough you don't use the automatic settings on your camera for blogging) I think the fundamentals and description of the manual settings are timeless. So what do all the F settings mean? This book is a jumping off point for me. 

One of my past loves is now an accomplished photographer.  We used to go out on shoots which are some of my favorite memories.  I should have payed more attention in those days!  I was too busy being in love!  Think I will look into classes through adult continuing education next.  So this is my pledge to you (and to me) to learn a new trick and share the journey with you! 

In case you are wondering. . .this is a vase filled with triangular strips of left over paper from a project I am working on.  They are cut out of a book and I curled one up and loved how it looked.  Next thing I know, I am in my attic digging out a vase and sticking them in it.  Great vignette and better than flowers because my baby kitten (did I say hellion?) has no interest in it like she does with all plants and flowers. That is why I currently don't have any i my house! 

As my dear sweet friend said to me when I expressed needing to grow with my camera.  ". . .never quit photographing the details of your life"

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